Saturday, February 7, 2015

FluentShellUnit - Create a dummy object

In the previous entry of this series of FluentShellUnit, we saw how to use the framework to invoke a method on a PowerShell module and perform assertions. This article we’ll see how we can pass in parameters to a method and use a simple stub/ dummy object for a PowerShell cmdlet to isolate our code under test.
FluentShellUnit’s execute method’s overload takes a Dictionary as argument that is used to pass the parameters to the calling method. For e.g. The below method, passes the value “VSTest” to the parameter “context” for the Get-WelcomeMessage function in the TestModule

var actual = PsFactory.Create(HostState.Core)
                    new Dictionary<string, string>
                        {"context", "VSTest"}
Function Get-WelcomeMessage{
      param([string] $context)
      "Welcome from context {0}" -f $context

FluentShellUnit also allows you to create a simple Dummy object (,%20Fakes,%20Stubs%20and%20Dummies.html) , that has no implementation and does not do anything when invoked. The below example shows how to create a Dummy for the Write-Host cmdlet when invoked from a method.

var actual = PsFactory.Create(HostState.Core)
                    new Dictionary<string, string>
                        {"context", "VSTest"}

Where the Get-WelcomeMessage implementation is as

Function Get-WelcomeMessage{
      param([string] $context)
      $message = "Welcome from context {0}" -f $context
      Write-Host "Setting the welcome message as {0}" -f $message

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